Speaker, Muntaka clash over nose masks in parliament

Speaker, Muntaka clash over nose masks in parliament

Speaker of Parliament, Prof Aaron Mike Oquaye silenced Minority Chief Whip, Mohammed Muntaka Mubarak who made an attempt to school members of parliament on why they should not be wearing nose masks.

This comes after the Speaker ordered Members of Parliament (MPs) to wear nose masks during sittings.

Muntaka moved to correct the house on circumstances when a nose mask should be worn, per the WHO standards, but he was quickly interrupted by the speaker who ordered him to move on with other submissions.

The speaker refused the MP an opportunity to complete his statement about how parliament is ignorantly using these nose masks.

“I’m not using the mask because two days ago we had the opportunity of meeting the WHO and Ministry of Health and they cautioned…,” Muntaka addressed the house.

But before he could complete his statement, the Speaker interrupted saying, “Honourable I will not allow you to say this. Honorable please! If you have your reasons why you didn’t wear the mask, keep your reasons to yourself. Honorable!.”

Meanwhile, as part of measures to prevent the possible spread of coronavirus, the Speaker has directed that all staff and members of parliament who recently traveled to infected countries must self-quarantine themselves upon return.

Watch the video below

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

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