Quaitoo’s resignation a big loss – E/R Min.

Quaitoo’s resignation a big loss – E/R Min.

The Eastern Regional Minister has said the resignation of the deputy Food and Agric Minister William Quaitoo is a great loss to the government.
“His resignation means we are losing a great person at the helm of affairs,” said Eric Daffuor Wednesday, August 30, 2017 on Morning Starr.
Mr. Quaitoo resigned Tuesday following his labeling of farmers in the Northern region as difficult and extorting.

A statement from the presidency announcing the former deputy Minister’s resignation said, “The President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, this evening accepted the resignation from office of the Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Hon. William Quaitoo, MP, which takes immediate effect. The President wished him the very best in his future endeavors.”
According to Mr. Quaitoo, he left his post in order to bring peace among those offended by his comments.
“…In addition to the sincere apology, I resigned to bring peace among all those who were offended and to save the President and the entire party from further rancour and disaffection. The party is bigger than any individual member,” he said.


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