Don’t look on as Ghana slips – Mahama to Christians

Don’t look on as Ghana slips – Mahama to Christians

Former President John Mahama says Christians in the country cannot look on as the country slips into decadence by the Akufo-Addo government.

According to the NDC flagbearer, the NPP government has compromised all state institutions with partisan politics and interest.

Introducing his runningmate to the Christian Community at a ceremony in Accra, Mr Mahama appealed to the Christian community to play their part to ‘save the country’.

“Almost everything that we had as a people, as a country, held dear and sacred has been intentionally corrupted in furtherance of selfish political ends. But, my brothers and sisters, no matter where we have belonged on the political divide, this is the time for us to unite and act to save our country; we cannot sit silently and look on as our nation slips towards decadence.

“It is not about John Mahama; it is about Ghana. Indeed, I have received complaints from men of God to call the government to order in its unfair treatment and sometimes targeted attacks on them for speaking out against injustice,” Mr. Mahama said.

The NDC flagbearer also told the clergy he and his runningmate will avoid campaign of insults.

“My running mate, Prof. Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang, whom I am presenting to you today, has been encouraged by the Osu Mantse to be strong and courageous in the face of, what he feared would be, a barrage of insults and attacks on her person, just because she has decided to serve her country at the highest level, help shape its destiny and ensure shared prosperity for all. Indeed, these unprovoked attacks and insults have already started.

“But I can assure you and all Ghanaians that Naana Jane and myself will never engage in insults and name-calling of opponents. Children are watching, listening and copying and it is important we serve as good role models. The book of Philippians assures me that the God who began this mission will bring it to a fruitful conclusion. Professor Opoku-Agyemang is God-fearing, a woman of unquestionable integrity, hardworking, and a results-oriented person. She has carved a niche for herself as a distinguished scholar in Ghana, on the African continent and across the world,” Mr said.


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