Greedy NPP executives have deserted me – Kofi Adda

Greedy NPP executives have deserted me – Kofi Adda

As the Member of Parliament (MP) for Navrongo Central Constituency in the Upper East Region, Joseph Kofi Adda, prepares earnestly to retain his seat, he has accused his constituency executivesof greed and ungratefulness.

The governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) on Monday January 20, 2020 opened nominations for both presidential and parliamentary aspirants ahead of the 2020 general elections. For the parliamentary candidates, the nominations are meant for constituencies the NPP has sitting MPs.

Speaking on A1 Radio’ Flagship programme ‘DayBreak Upper East’ hosted by Samuel Mbura on Monday, January 20, 2020, .Mr. Adda disclosed his intention to pick nomination forms in a bid to retain the sit.

However, before the MP and Minister for Aviation picks nomination forms, he has accused his constituency executives of greed.

According to him, some of the constituency executives always want him to pass resources meant for polling station executives through them but he is against that and as a result, they have weaned their support for him. He claimed he refused to channel support meant for polling station executives through constituency executives because the latter they will not disburse same.

Mr. Adda however sated that he will not be moved by the attitudes of the constituency executives but will focus on developing the constituency.He stressed, “I’m prepared to come and transform my constituency, a lot more needs to be done. It does not matter what you call yourself whether an MP or Minister, what matters is how you can deliver to the people.”

He alleged, “The last primary election in Navrongo constituency, executives did not support me but I won. Today, the executives, most of them are not with me because they want resources that are supposed to develop the constituency to pass through their pockets. The mistake I made in time past, will not repeat itself.”

He assured, “I have prepared all the nearly 600 polling station executives who are there, who are pushing what comes to them, directly and honestly. If they are happy and excited of what is due them and want me to come they will prepare the grounds for my winning.”



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