NDC party members hit streets over uncommissioned government projects

NDC party members hit streets over uncommissioned government projects

The Regional branch of the National Democratic Congress, NDC in the Upper West Region has hit the streets demanding with immediate effect the commissioning of all governmental projects that have been stalled by Akufo-Addo government.

The party members marched through the principal streets of the Upper Regional Capital, Wa to the newly constructed hospital where they addressed party members and some residents of the Upper West region.

The Regional branch of the NDC expressed revulsion over the Akufo Addo government for its inability to commission newly constructed regional hospital and the Wa airport for public use.

Addressing the party members at the forecourt of the newly constructed Upper West Regional Hospital, the regional communications director of the NDC Prosper Puo-ire indicated that the hospital which was rated 95% complete three years ago after the NDC left power is still not opened for residents in the region.

Mr Prosper Puo-ire noted that the uncommissioned regional hospital has left natives stranded in their healthcare needs

”The reason was to demonstrate our resentment and absolute revulsion towards Akufo Addo and his insensitive administration. The Akufo Addo led government has deliberately refused to deliver to the people in the Upper West region an ultra modern well class hospital constructed by the John Mahama Administration to cater for the health needs of the people”.

The opposition Party also told the government through the Upper West Regional Minister, Hafiz Bin Salih that the two important projects which were stalled since 2016 when the NDC left power should be commissioned with immediate effect for residents of the region to have access to the projects.

The party members also demanded the opening of the newly constructed Wa airport to ensure business activities in the Upper West region to benefit natives.

Source: primenewsghana.com

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