Our customers and clients remain the centre of what we do – Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom

Our customers and clients remain the centre of what we do – Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom

Chairman of Groupe Nduom, Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom, is assuring customers of his businesses, his businesses care about them and will never ever take them for granted.

Speaking at the first Matriculation ceremony of the Nduom School of Business and Technology, Dr. Nduom assured, their customers remain at the centre of the business and would always be served with integrity and diligence.

He says the customers shall continue to be the centre of all decisions and actions taken by his businesses.

“Our main philosophy is based on the foundation of faith and our principles are centered on our clients and customers. They remain our backbone and our pride; we will serve them with diligence,” he assured.

Dr. Nduom urged the students and all workers in all businesses of Groupe Nduom to work with a sense of integrity and commitment in order to achieve the results the company needs. “We will endeavour to Share our successes with our employees, customers and shareholders who remain the pillar in all that we do,” he assured.

He further asked the students to endeavor to go beyond excellence in whatever they do by getting enmeshed in their studies so that the best in them can be harnessed.

“We have made it possible for all of you to have accommodation on campus. It is for a very good purpose. We want you to get focused in the reason why you are here,” he averred.

The rector of the of the school, Rev. Prof. Daniel Agyapong Nyarko urged the students to make better use of the opportunity given to them in order to add value unto themselves. He thanked the Chairman of Groupe Nduom for his magnanimity in granting GH80, 000 for the students to start their own businesses.

Three females, 7 males were matriculated to pursue Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance, Bachelor of Science in information and communication Technology and information technology for the management of business.

Dr. Nduom also donated a bus to the school to help them in their activities.

Source: Myjoyonline.com

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