Foso is now the cleanness town in Ghana

Foso is now the cleanness town in Ghana

The Assin Foso Municipal Chief Executive Hon. Nicholas Kofi Baako, has appealed to people in the municipality to clear weed around their houses and bury their refuse to help reduce filth and disease.

He said a clean environment would cut down on mosquitoes and house flies and this would improve the health of the people.

Hon. Baako said it was for that reason that the municipal assembly had devoted to organized clean-up exercise. He said this after leading over 1,000 people made up traders, civil servant, journalists, drivers, political leaders and residents of the municipality to undertake a clean-up exercise in some communities in the municipality.

The exercise was conducted at places such as the Foso main lorry park, the High way road, and Foso town where he destroyed two strong weed ghettos he said, Innocent people could not pass these ghetto places because these guys will rob and assult you.

He also allowed chainsaw operators to cut down all the trees at the roadside to ensure sanity and clean environment which few people doubt his agenda .

Hon Baako said the exercise would be extended to small communities in the municipality to ensure environmental cleanliness.

The environmental officer in the municipality also encouraged the youth to engage themselves in communal labour because the number of youth attend the exercise were not up to the 40 and above

Story by: Nana korankye Apomuden/Ghanadailies

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