Accra Magistrate Court cautions Bukom Banku

Accra Magistrate Court cautions Bukom Banku

A Magistrate at an Accra District Court has cautioned Ghanaian boxer Braimah Kamoko popularly known as Bukom Banku to be a good example to the youth.
This was after he was discharged over an offensive conduct charge, Thursday.
This is not the first time the boxer has been dragged to court over similar charges.
The latest was after one Ida Acheampong reported to the police the boxer had referred to her as a “foolish stupid woman” with a smelling reproductive organ.

The boxer and the woman Thursday informed the court of their decision to settle the matter out of court after successful Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) hearing.
Before discharging the boxer, Magistrate Arit Nsemoh had some words of advice for the boxer, calling on him to be a perfect gentleman outside the ring.
“You have to be a good role model for the many youth who look up to you,” she added.


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