MTN to support 31 traditional festivals this year

MTN to support 31 traditional festivals this year

Mobile Telecommunication Network (MTN) has reaffirmed its commitment to promoting Ghanaian Culture and Heritage to boost tourism in the country through traditional festivals.

“As an African multinational,Management of MTN Ghana deem it appropriate to support our African culture and Heritage through the celebration of Traditional festivals.Festivals Project a lot about thr African Society and are considered an integral part of the African Culture”

Peter Bimpeh-Senior, Manager for South East Business District of MTN said this during donation of Ghc5000 cheque, Airtime worth GHC500, drink hamper worth Gh1000 and Assorted MTN souvenirs in support of the celebration of Ohumkan Festival by the People of Akyem Tafo.

He revealed that aside the Ohumkan festival, MTN will supported over thirty(30) traditional festivals across the country this year. Additionally, carry out data activations throughout the festival periods at vantage points for its customers to enhance their internet and data services usage including the fastest 4.5G LTE service.

Meanwhile MTN has pledged support to Government’s “Year of Return,Ghana 2019 ” launched by Ghana’s President Akufo Addo at Washington, D.C., in September 2018, aimed at giving fresh impetus to the quest to unite Africans on the continent with their brothers and sisters in the diaspora.

“this year has been declared the “Year of Return” by government. In view of this, we believe that we need to support the activities that will make the” Year of Return ” a memorable one”

Bimpeh -Senior Manager for South East Business District of MTN said MTN has invested Ghc32 million in over 144 projects across Ghana through MTN Ghana Foundation adding that the company is still committed to doing more to improve the living standards of Ghanaians.

The Chief of Akyem Tafo, Osabarima Adusei Peasah, receiving the support items from MTN commended the Telecom giant for their incessant partnership to the conservation and restoration of culture in Ghana which he described as critical to national development and harmony.

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