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Top five confidence killers

Top five confidence killers

Take a deep breath for a moment and center within. Quietly listen to your heart beat and the rhythm of your soul’s deepest desires. You’ve visualized the joy of attaining a magnificent victory. In order to seize it, you must see it.
There is a cutting edge advantage that will allow you to stand out in any crowd. The invisible crown of internal confidence will often be the determining factor between a win and a loss. Many individuals forfeit countless achievements due to being unaware of the top five confidence killers.
Comparison: In the school of business we are taught to study our competition. In the royal academy of excellence a true queen understands that she is unique by design which is her competitive advantage. It is paramount that you study every aspect of your being. This includes being honest with your strengths and weaknesses. The question to focus on is, “Are you the best that you can be?” The amount of effort that you will be investing towards the cultivation of personal greatness leaves no room for comparison to others.
Past Failures: It takes an unflinching audacity to rise from the pit of past disappointments with a renewed vigor to reach new heights. Winston Churchill expressly stated, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” In the heart of a crown bearer, there is no space for housing debilitating thoughts of yesterday. Become preoccupied with winning and pursue victory until you possess it.
Lack of Preparation: It has been said, “Victory loves preparation.” Every day presents an opportunity to prepare for the next win. To create a lifestyle of winning it requires a champion state of mind. Are you willing to go the extra mile? Are you willing to become extremely uncomfortable? Are you willing to rise early and go to bed late if that’s what it takes? Are you willing to do what others won’t until you can do what others can’t? This is your life! How will you live it?

Fear: Recently, I saw a homeless man in the parking lot of Walmart holding a sign that said, “Don’t judge me.” This is one of the number one fears that hold most individuals back from chasing their passion. The opinion of others has no power unless you yield to it. The world is full of critics who stand on the sidelines of life haunted by their own fears attempting to stop dreamers dead in their tracks. Your beliefs have to be more powerful than any anxiety, terror or dread.
Negativity: How do you combat negativity when it seems to continually assail you on a daily basis from countless media platforms? I believe Emily Dickinson said it best, “I dwell in possibilities.” There is no other place I would rather be. This requires intentionality and constant watchfulness to every thought that comes across your mind. Our beliefs are potent seeds that create full grown trees in our mind producing ripe or rotten fruit. Which do you desire to consume and contribute to the world at large? Be diligent in weeding out every negative thought, your future depends on it.
Lastly, before you step foot on any stage remember that you are the crown, esteemed and highly valuable. Embrace your divine essence. Love yourself fiercely and relentlessly. In the words of Leonard Ravenhill, “The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity.”


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