#NSMQ2017: Mfantsipim, Mawuli surrender to Prempeh College

#NSMQ2017: Mfantsipim, Mawuli surrender to Prempeh College

It was an easy run for Prempeh College on Monday as they beat Mfantsipim and Mawuli schools to qualify for the final of the 2017 National Science and Maths Quiz.

From leading with 30 points in the first round against Mfantsipim’s 18, Prempeh College managed to maintain their lead to the end of the contest that many expected to be very tough.

Despite their quick run to close the gap between them and Prempeh College in the second round, Mfantsipim could not keep to the pace of Prempeh College in the third round.

Prempeh’s perfect 10 out of the 10 points awarded in the 3rd round saw them further widen the gap between them and Mfantsipim while Mawuli School struggled to make significant impact in the contest, after they benefited from the round 4 questions.

The last round of contest is between St Thomas Aquinas, PRESEC and Kumasi High.

Source: citifmonline.com

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