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Social media was fun till Jesus Christ joined

Social media was fun till Jesus Christ joined

Humanity, since Adam, has been faced with a lot of threats. From the moment man ceased to live in the Garden of Eden to the days of the Great Flood during Noah’s time to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and many others, man has had no peace.
Let’s get modern a bit – the Holocaust, World Wars I and II, Fukushima Daiichi (Fukushima Radiation Leak), The outbreak of deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS and most recently Ebola, we could also talk about 9/11 – The Rise of Terrorism, Global Warming.
Every generation has been faced with threats and we still live with some of them.
Technology keeps improving and tries to make the world a safe haven. This has seen the invention of smartphones which has led to the development of applications mostly social media and has actually made this current generation a Mess-Aged one.
Sincerely, social media was fun till Jesus Christ joined. Whoever introduced Jesus to social media has done humanity a great disservice.
Jesus Christ has become a threat to us and we have downplayed the fact that He has become a threat. He has changed certain things in the Bible and I have every cause to believe our Christ is raising gospel terrorists.
You may be wondering what I am talking about. Unless you are new to social media, you surely have received the “Pass to 10 people and I’ll bless you” message. That’s not even a threat.
There has been somewhere He has threatened to kill our relatives if we don’t send his broadcast message to some required number of people.
This recent behaviour of our Lord Jesus Christ questions if indeed He is the same God of time immemorial – the one who died to redeem us from our sins. If He is, then why the chain messages with threats he sends daily which keeps me wondering if he is now an angel of death.
Definitely, Jesus would never do. The chain messages we receive are works of evil minded people.
Blasphemous souls who portray themselves as Christ through messages. With the aim of seeing their messages trend or go viral, they add such blasphemous lines.

I mean, how on Earth can Jesus and the Devil waste time arguing on who is more loved and going on to gamble for shares on a post. Seriously!!!!
Nothing annoys me more than those who share it and expect a miracle within seven days. That’s what poverty of the pocket, mind and soul would cause. The quest for instant miracles is what would make someone share such a message.
Brethren, young soldier of Christ, miracle seeker, God does not work that way. Having time with him alone would cause a miracle to happen in your life. Before you share the message, look at the content and compare to the Bible you read. Check if the message is Biblical.
Even if it’s Biblical and contains “Pass this to 10 people and expect a miracle” or something related at the end, don’t share it. It is evil and it’s a form of cyber-bullying. That’s how the devil plays with the weak soul.
Don’t fall victim to this. Jesus Christ would never ask you to share to a required number of people a conversation he had with the devil. He would never ask you to like ‘His picture’ or type “Amen” under a post for His blessings.
He has given us His word and expects us to evangelise with no threat attached. So the next time you think of forwarding that message to someone, ask yourself, “Would Jesus be happy I am promoting blasphemy?”
Share this article with 20 people and you would see a miracle in your life.

Source:Nii Bavard

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